Saturday, February 28, 2009

Raod Trip to MN

We took a little road trip to MN for Baby Ben's Baptism. We went with G & G Gaumond and Aunt Chris. On the way we had a few stops. At one point we stopped at McDonald's and Tom got a shamrock shake. He didn't think Johanna could drink from the straw, but once she got a sip of the shake, she wouldn't give it back. It was really funny. She would only give the shake to me and we think she drank about half the shake.
When we were staying with Bill, Susan, Caitlin, and Ben, Johanna and Caitlin's favorite thing to do was to jump on the blow up bed. I took a few pictures of them, but unfortunately they didn't turn out.
Johanan and Grandma reading books.
This is Johanna's new "cheese" face.
On Sunday, Ben was baptized.
Grandma and Jo - such a cute pix!