Tuesday, January 19, 2010

1st day, part 2

Johanna's report card today A+ When I got to school her teacher said that she had a "Terrific day!". She cried for a couple of minutes after I left, but then she was ready to learn. She participated, talked to her new friends, even told them what to do politely (sit down, wait), and did a great job on the potty. The classroom aide said she wished she could have a classroom full of Johannas. That's my girl! The big day was almost over. I went in about 10 minutes early to catch a peek, but the class was in music. On their way back I stuck my head out the door to take a pix. When I said "Hi" to Jo, she just looked at me like "What are you doing here?" and kept walking. I was suprised, almost sad. She's a big girl now.
Walking out with my class. I was the caboose
In front of my new school. Jo was yelling "Bye" confidently to all the students and teachers in the hall as she was leaving.
Most of her friends were getting on the bus. I think there was a sense of jealousy. We had to wait until the bus pulled away before we could go to the van.
Just waiting.