Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My silly little ones

Just a few cute pix from today.
Johanna has been into taking pictures lately with our camera, so I found an old one she can play with. She tells everyone to say "cheese" when taking thier pix.
PS Do you like the outfit - snow boots when it's 92 degrees out!
Johanna taking a pix of Gma Maloney and Connor. Thanks Gma for helping out for the last few days since my back was acting up. Also thanks Gma Gaumond for helping out too.
What a smiley guy - he looks like he might be up to something sneaky though. I think he learned it from his big sis.
Connor hanging out with the other babies, while Jo and I had a dance party in the living room. Connor actually was waving his arm and kicking his feet to the music too.