Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Our Annual Peck's Pumpkin Farm Trip

We had our annual trip to Peck's Pumpkin farm with the Ketelboeter's. Our first stop was the goats. Johanna feed them for a minute, but then decided she didn't like it.
Petting was better than feeding the goats.
Tom and Johanna in the haunted pumpkin - don't they look scared? hehe Grandma and the grandkids -
Hey where is Brandon?
Grandma, Emma, and Jo on the hayride.
Mike and Brandon
Brandon with Grandma and Grandpa Hoiby.
Tom and Jo picking out the perfect pumpkin.
Jo needed a little pumpkin too.
Checking out the indian corn with mom
Yeah!! Being silly with Daddy.
They even had an alligator in a cage -