Sunday, August 19, 2007

I'm a Mess

My First Real Foods - Applesause, Sweet Potatoes, and Peas! I love them all after a few bites. I really like to make a mess and rub my bib all over my face. Daddy wonders how mom lets me get so messy.

I'm a mess, I'm a mess. A big old messy mess. From the north to the south, to the east to the west. I'm a big old messy mess. (From my newest favorite CD- The Laurie Berkner Band) Mom sings it to me when we are cleaning up.

Don't worry I clean up okay mom!

Mommy gave me my first sippy cup and I grabbed it right away. I haven't quite figured out how to get the water out, but I sure do like chewing on it and banging it around on my highchair.