Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Jo's 1st time fishing

Opa took Johanna fishing for her 1st time at Indian Lake.  She was a little nervous about the actual fishing (holding the pole, etc.) but liked the worms.

Johanna liked walking back and forth on the pier, except when it moved (since it's a floating pier).

Those fish were tricky!  They kept nibbling away on worms, but we couldn't catch them, not a one.

Opa made a little bench seat for the back of the tractor - so cute!

Monday, August 23, 2010


Mid June, we had a picnic date with Daddy for lunch. Munching for lunch

Connor's 1st time going down the slide by himself. Such a big boy!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Visiting the Maloney's

After camping, Johanna, Connor, and I visited Gma and Gpa Maloney.

Playing in the shower

Hula Hoop
Connor trying out the hoop himself.

Wondering why he can't go back outside and play on the stairs.
CW decided to be silly and wear Jo's hat.
Having some lunch with Papa

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

4th July BBQ

On July 5th we had a BBQ with Aunt Christine, Grandma and Grandpa Gaumond, and the Dzwinel's. Tom resting up before the fun
John, Lily, and Jo splashing Tom. He was soaked by the time they got done with him
Tom's revenge - a bucket of water. John and Lily loved it, Jo wasn't quite sure.
Aunt Chris and Connor
Car Wash - the kids decided to help me clean the toys
I was the foreman, hehe
Jo was great at sparying down the wagon and cars to rinse them off.
Connor cleaning inside the wagon.
Slip-n-slide: Grandpa decided to make the slide into a water slide. Lily went first and flew off the end. Ouch...
Grandma and Chris helped everyone else down since Lily had a rough landing
John however did it all by himself and loved every second of it!
Eating our red, white, and blue dessert. He ate almost a whole piece of cheesecake himself. My little piggy...
Play ball! The cheerleaders (Jo, Lily, and Baba - Erin's Mom) on the stoop were awesome!
Nice catch Erin!
Jo and Poppy (Erin's Dad) playing catch.

Sparkler Fun

Johanna holding a sparkler for the 1st time.
I love the face, amazed
making circles with Daddy
Lily's 1st sparkler.
Holding the sparkler by herself. She loved it and was very safe.
Erin and I
The girls giving Tom a hug - so happy together
Kisses too!
The girls also had a performance for everyone on the stoop. Lily asked everyone to sit around and they started singing. It was soooo cute! Love these ladies!!!!
After about 6 boxes of sparklers, there were only 2 sparklers left and 3 kids, so Baba and Poppy got the last 2 (Erin's parents). The kids had fun watching them. Next year I am hoping to take Jo for fireworks, I think she would love them. It just didn't work out this year