Sunday, March 22, 2009

Johanna's 1st Haircut!

Johanna had her 1st haircut today. She did great! Johnathan gave her some advice on Friday, which probably helped. He told Jo "Don't be scared. They just cut your hair like a square". It must have helped, because she did wonderful. Both Tom and I were somewhat suprised. We set our plan - Tom would entertain and I would snap pix. At first, Johanna was little squirmy in the chair, but then settled in. She did not like the smock on at all. She tried 2 of them, but it wasn't going to happen.
Tom showing Jo a little puppy toy. Who doesn't love a puppy?
Johanna wasn't too sure about the 1st few snipes. Somehow the stylist got a good cut with Jo turning away. Ok, I guess it's not that bad.
It helped that there was a little boy sitting next to Johanna getting his hair cut too. She was checking him out and his new hair-do. They had a TV with cartoons too. Daddy even got to watch a little TV after Johanna was comfortable.
We took just a little off the back to get rid of split ends. Don't worry, we didn't chop the curls.
Johanna checking out her new hair-do in the mirror.
When finished, Johanna got a little chick barrett for her hair. The stylist also sprayed a few "sparkles" in her hair and fluffed up Jo's curls.
Johanna saying cheese and showing off her cute hair cut!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Out for a Walk

Johanna loves to be outside. She doesn't care what the weather is, as long as she can be outside. Johanna walking her puppy outside - Thanks Aunt Jane for my puppy. I love Jo's new shades.
Blowing bubbles outside.

Out and About

Johanna wouldn't ride her bike, but she pushed her bear around on it. She loves to go for walks -
I like the shadow on the sidewalk from this pix.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Everyone in our house loves a pregnant mommy -naptime, banana splits for snack, and no one telling them to do chores. Daddy didn't think banana splits were a good afternoon snack, but I over rode that decision. Two against one - Jo and I won.
Cutting up bananas - see it's a healthy snack. :)
Jo was so excited to eat her banana split.
Almost done
Look at that big bite!
Not too messy - I expected much more all over the place.

Duo Tour Fun

We received our new double stroller this weekend and put it together. Thank you G & G Ketelboeter for buying it for us. We will get lots of good use out of it. Jo already thinks it's a jungle gym to play in. All aboard! The baby doll goes for a ride in the basket. Hopefully Jo won't put her brother in there. Climbing in the front seat.
Johanna putting the seatbelt on her babies.

Super & Silliness

Erin, John, and Lily came over for dinner and some playtime. They are so silly together. Lily had the best smiles.

Mommy's Little Helper

Johanna has become Mommy's little helper. She loves to cook in the kitchen and tried washing dishes for the 1st time. Finally, I have a dishwasher.
This is the concentration face. Rinsing her bowl
Our self portraits -
Mmm, what else do I have to wash?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Johanna's 2yr Portriats

We took Johanna for her 2 yr portraits today. When we left her hair was adorable, all curls in the back. Needless to say by the time we made it to the studio the curls were smooshed in the back. Still cute though! She was a little ham. The women taking the pictures said she was so great to photograph.
This was one of my favorites! So innocent and sweet.
Run away. We couldn't get a shot of her standing - she kept running toward us.
Such a silly girl.
Jo liked the big bear - she gave him a hug and kiss.
Time to fix my hair again.
Yeah, we're done!