Friday, September 19, 2008

This is how little piggies eat -

Johanna got finished eating her dinner and realized a little extra was on her tray - so she licked it clean. (just like Randy from "A Christmas Story")

Piggy Tails!

I was telling our babysitter Beth that I needed to do something different with Jo's hair, but not sure what to do. When I picked her up from daycare on Monday - tada - new hair-do. Piggy Tails!! How differennt does she look? All grown up. Look at those curls. Beth said Johanna didn't even mind getting her hair done. Checking out Max, Bella, and Fred accross the street - her doggie friends. They love her and she loves them. Hanging out by the side of the garage.
Hey, what's in here? She found her balls in her wagon.

Adventures of Mr. Potato Head

Betty Brinn had a special exhibit of the Adventures of Mr. Potato Head. On day we went with my job sharing partner and her son - Tammy and Liam. All hail Mr. P Johanna and Liam going down the slide together. Jo was digging for fossils. This was her favorite part of the exhibit, she kept going back and climbing in all by herself. Under the Sea -
Jo headed off for a quick visit to another planet.

Monday, September 1, 2008

At the Zoo with Oma and Opa

Oma and Opa came for the day and we headed to the zoo. Our 1st stop was the Stingray and Shark exhibit. Tom and I actually got to touch them as they swam by.
Waiting in line for the train to come into the station
All aboard the choo, choo train Doesn't Johanna look like her daddy Jo loves to make this face - we call it the "wrinkly nose" smile

Bath Time

After the pool, our little ones needed a bath. Jo was quite supirsed to be in the bath with John and Lily. A litle love from John
John making his silly face, along with thier crazy hair-dos. I love this picture - they both have the same look and position.
Such cute little ladies.
Mmm - Lily was taking a little drink break.

Splashing with the Dzwinel's

On Saturday night, we got an improptu call from the Dzwinels' - Want to do dinner in about an hour? We gladly said sure - we love to hang out with them. Getting ready to go swimming. Erin and Lily - such a cute pix! All the ladies swimming in the pool John chilling in his ring. Mmm - I've never been in a big pool like this. I think I like it. Jo held onto us tightly, but loved to jump up and down in the water. I love this pcture of Jo and I. (See that death grip on my neck?) Getting comfy on the floaty. It was a little chilly out of the water. Jason making some waves. Ready... Set... Cannonball!

Runaway Dog Park

On Saturday morning we decided to take a family trip to the dog park. It was Jake's lucky day! Jake us to go to the dog park every Saturday, pre-Johanna. Now it's definately a treat for him.
Go Jake - he loves the freedom to run. Jo and I walking at the dog park. Jo kept reaching around me to see all the dogs.
This Golden was too funny. He ran up, dug all the water out of the bowl behind him, and then laid down to drink out of this bowl. Daddy's Job -
Poop Patrol.
Our self portrait