Monday, August 25, 2008

Dinner with the Gigot's

We had dinner with Steve, Val, and Baby Elizabeth - Dinner by Design meal - we love them. Jo loved to play with babies and other kids. She is sharing her flashlight with Baby E. Body Slam!!! Johanna loves to stand up and then jump on top on us.
Jo won!

Visiting Great Grandma Cleven

My mom and I took Johanna to see Great Grandma Betty. Jo was checking out everything. Jo tried to steal Grandma's glasses.

Hi Grandpa!

Johanna was a little shy with Grandpa Maloney - put warmed up after a day or so. She really liked watching him on the deck.
Hi Papa!

Just the right size bath

Taking a bath at Grandma and Grandpa Maloney's turned into an adventure. First I took at bath with my Aunt Ashlee in the big hot tub, then I had a little accident on the tile floor, and then it was bath #2 in the sink. Jo loved the sink. Grandpa Chuck wasn't too sure about all of us girls taking over the bathroom, but we did it in style.
Jo loved to make faces in the mirror and splash in the faucet. She made quite a mess.

Surfing the Web

Jo was patiently waiting for dinner, but first needed to get a little work done. Look it's me!
Mmm, let me see. I think I'll add some more pix to my blog.

Crazy Cousins

Johanna and I went for a little visit with Aunt Cari and the kids. At first Jo was just watching everyone run around and wrestle, but then she jumped right in. Emma and Jo Look at this - they are all smiling and looking at the camera. Sorry Oma we are missing Brandon - he was at football practice. Zach chasing Jo around the house. She loved it. He had her giggling non stop.

Splashing in the tub with Oma

Johanna and I spent the night at Opa and Oma's. But before bed time, I needed a quick bath. I had lots of fun with Oma.
What are you talking about mom? Oma gave me a washcloth hat - I loved it. Like my new hat?
I had great hair that night - it just stuck up on one side of my head.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I survived 3 kids, under 3!

Erin had to go to a training on Wed, so I had the 3 kids for a few hours. I was a little nervous, okay, very nervous about entertaining all of them. I decided a walk would get out outside - but still contain us all. It was great - we pet the dog, Fred, next door, walked under the sprinkler, and talking to Bill, our neighbor. Such a cute smile - she loves to be with her friends. Pool with no water = place to play with toys. Beep, beep! Here I come! Let me help you Lily. Johnathan was fixing the flat tire on the car (with a fishing pool). Thanks John! Whew - I'm ready for a nap. (I took a great nap that afternoon after John and Lily left too!)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Playing in my Crib

Johanna loves to play in her crib after her nap. Some days I have to pry her out of there. Lately when Tom or I go and get her she is standing in the corner, no hands! Tom said she is getting ready for her boxing days. I hope not! On this day Jo also stood up on her own from the floor. I was so excited. Can't catch me mom!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Fun at Euclid Park

Today we babysat John for a few hours while his sister went to the doctors. First Johnathan and I played with the OT and then it was off the park. Snack time in the wagon. Still snack time for Jo - John just checking on us girls. Looking cool in your sunglasses John! Johanna loves to climb up on the playground. Cheese... John borrowed Jo's new hat. It just barely fit him. Johanna's 1st time down the slide by herself. She was getting a little tired and wasn't quite sure what to do. Thanks Erin for helping us. Weeee... Everyone climb on!
Hey Lily, check this out - you can see all kinds of things outside.

Neighborhood Watch

Johanna loves to look out the front door and see what's happening. Today she was yelling "da" (for doggie) so loudly that our neighbors across the street could hear her. What is it Jake?