Saturday, June 28, 2008

Fun in the Sun

We decided to try out our pool right before nap time and see what Jo thought with just a little water in it. She loved it! I went in with her and she chased me around the pool, splashed, and tried to drink water from her hands.

Mom, come on I'm almost naked.

I got a little nervous when Jo decided to stand up and walk around the side, but she did great. One time she tried to get some grass to eat and fell out of the pool head first - but caught herself with her hands! Not even a bump or a tear.

Jo's other favorite part of playing in the pool was throwing her toys onto the concrete.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Saying Grace

Johanna gets very excited when we say Grace at dinner. She puts her hand together and makes the cutest faces. Tonight we said Grace 3x.

Oh, how innocent.
On our daily walk today, Jo decided to roll in style. At Lily 1st Bday party the theme was "Fun in the Sun" and she gave Jo a pair of sunglasses. We told her she was a "cool baby" and she just laughed.

Let's try daddy's sunglasses first.

Hey, who are you looking at?
Thanks Lily for the sunglasses!

Hey homies!

Ah, I'm trapped.
We got Jo a stoller net to help keep the mosquitos from biting her. She isn't a big fan.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Afternoon Snack

Johanna has her afternoon yogart snack everyday. Lately she has been very interested in feeding her self with her utensils. Sometimes it's more work for me, than for her. Laundry time again.

Mmmm, mmmm good

Jo is working so hard at learning how to "Scoop".

Jake loves to help clean up. Johanna knows that she shouldn't feed Jake, but she can't resist.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

For Father's Day we invited our families over for a little BBQ fun. Brats, burgers, fishing, splashing, and family.
Grandma and Grandpa Gaumond

Zach, Emma, and Orrin loved the pool.
Emma and Zach wading in the pool
So cool with Grandma's sunglasses

Daddy, Opa, Uncle Nick, and Uncle Mike

Grandma and Grandpa Maloney

Orrin and Shelby playing in the pool.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Lunch with Daddy

Lunch with Daddy at Wirth Park
Daddy's not looking, maybe I can steal a Frito or two.

So cute in her summer hat

Go Jo!

Where's my nose?

Johanna has learned to find her ears and now her noses when we ask. Tom and I always think it's cute when she points to her nose. Most of the time her finger is going up one of her nostrils. hehe