Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ready, Set, Crawl: the video

This was the first day Johanna crawled on her own! Tom was doing the JAWS theme. Johanna was so proud of herself. She's now figureing out the world is hers to explore.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ready, Set, Crawl!!!

I did it! I did it! I crawled for the 1st time all by myself. Mommy was in the kitchen getting dinner ready and Daddy was with me in the living room and saw it. At first he wasn't quite sure how I had moved so quickly and then he saw me CRAWL!! As soon as Mommy saw me crawl, she got a tear in her eye and then grabbed the camera.

Thanks daddy for holding up my dress. It was getting all caught up in my legs.
PS Watch for a cute video of me crawling!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Morning

Thank you Oma & Opa for the Easter Basket full of goodies and my Elmo book. I'm getting so big just like Elmo.

When we got home I found my basket from the Easter Bunny. He brought me some cookies - mmm and some little people for my farm.
Uhhh - What is this in my basket?

More cookies, please.

Dyeing Easter Eggs

We dyed Easter eggs and had so much fun!

Ready, set, Spin!
Daddy thought this egg spinner wasn't too great - but I had lots of fun pushing it. After I saw it done a few times, I was hitting it like crazy.
Then we tried a new method - dyeing the egg in a bag. It's suppose to be a light squish to move the dye around, but Johanna had her own method.


And Throw...
This was the Johanna's egg when she was finished. It ended up on the floor a few times. Oops!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Peek A Boo! I see you!

We pulled out the outdoor tent, since we had so much fun in our friend Johanaton's tent. Johanna loves to play peek-a-boo with the tunnel. Jake was so curious about the tent, that he went inside. We had to pull him out!

Lazy Sunday Mornings

Johanna and Tom were reading the paper. Johanna's favorite part of reading, is ripping up the paper and eating it.